UPDATE!!!! Click HERE to read my whining about the dubbing of Sailor Moon S.
I don't know how in the hell you found this page, but welcome to it. My name is Seitou Yousai (Obviously not my real name).
This page used to be home to Hoshino Mamoru's (my first pen name) MSTings and my shrine to anime women and Yahoo! Chat. But now, they have gone to a better place.
Well, not really...they just went to my Geocities site. ^_^
So what's gonna be on this page? Like the title says....nothing. I'm gonna go the Seinfeld route and make a webpage about nothing. This is going to be a page on everything that I won't put on my Geocities site, which means some wrestling stuff, some anime stuff...and LOTS of ranting. And I'm gonna do a lot of it since I've kept shut all summer!
Here are the links!
Poem to Hina-chan This is a page with a poem I wrote for my girlfriend on it. Oh how I love her so... *_*
That's all for now, I guess. I'll see ya when I update ^_^
Seitou Yousai
This page is gonna be under construction for a real long time, since I'm too busy and/or lazy to work on this page and the Geocities one. I haven't even had a chance to finish my latest MSTings (curse me for having a job!! >.<)
Premiere Championship Wrestling--This is the page of my wrestling series, the PCW. It hosts wrestlers created by me. I use them to showcase here for possible future use in e-feds...to see how creative I can be with some characters. If you really think about it, it's fanfiction... bad fanfiction, but still fanfiction. UPDATED RECENTLY!!!
Anime--[also not up yet] This will be my page on anime.
Professional Wrestling--[once again, not up yet] My little page on professional wrestling.
The Thoughts of SeitouThis week's random things that come from my mind. UPDATED RECENTLY!!!
Links--[coming soon to a internet browser near you]
Future PCW World Champion ^_^Click on Haohmaru to e-mail me...and no you can't have any of his sake!!