Well, it's not exactly a shrine, but it's just a little page dedicated to the love of my life, hinata_wakaba. (aka a hella lot of other names). Oh how I love her so *_*. I wrote this poem as a Christmas gift to her. Since it was some of my best work (considering I suck at poetry), I decided to keep it as a symbol of my undying love for her.
Here goes nothing....
Ode to Hina-chan
A set of poorly-written waka poems written by Shoma_the_Batcarrying_Madman

Wonderful Hina
Out of many, you chose me
How lucky I am
That the heavens sent to me
A woman as sweet as you
The day I met you
Was the last day of my life
That I felt alone
You came into my sad life
And turned my frowns upside-down
Lovely Hinata
How I adore you so much
When I am with you
It feels like an endless dream
I feel like I'm on cloud nine
I know there are times
That I acted like a jerk
Or made you feel sad
But to see your lovely smile
I'll do the impossible
Hina, my angel
My love for you has no bounds
There is no limit
Roses may not last forever
But my love for you sure will ^_^
Page updated on April 2, 2000.